music player .

i . FRAGMENT ONE ; begin .

a STUDY in the VESSEL , what it means to be sick from the s o u l . to be filled with so much love it has made you violent , the desire to devour those you cherish . to decay from WITHIN . clumsily chasing after death only to c r a w l back to life . finding home in his heart , and being willing to crawl under his skin to get there . weaving his name into scripture . to LOVE as a religion .

NAME . . . chiari ito
ALIAS . . . ari , chi , starlight
AGE . . . adult / early 20s / approx two hundred fourty
BIRTHDAY . . . apirl 13th
PRONOUNS . . . she / they / it
SEXUALITY . . . greyromantic demisexual
ALIGNMENT . . . chaotic
ZODIAC . . . aries

ii . FRAGMENT TWO ; prints .


like a shadow ; one who moves quietly through the halls . seeming to suddenly appear . chiari is incredibly aloof , choosing to only associate with a few . so much as to even blike a shadow ; one who moves quietly through the halls . seeming to suddenly appear . chiari is incredibly aloof , choosing to only associate with a few . so much as to even become aggressive with approaching strangers . those she does choose to accept , she loves fiercely . often tolerating behaviors she'd otherwise find unsavory - often making excuses . obssessive in nature she is often very possessive of the objects of her affection . without correction this habit can become violent . leading to fits in which she may cause injury to herself or others .  despite these behaviors , chiari is a genuinely sweet creature . innocent even in her bloodlust . a shy ; mouse-like creature . who tends to back down rather than fight back . with patience and love to spare , to those she deems worthy . 

alcohol?   yes .     tobacco?   no .    drugs?   yes .

iii . FRAGMENT THREE ; sanctuary .

  eye color    sage green .
  eye shape    fox cut , doll-like .
  hair color    purple black .
  hair style    long , loose curls .
  scent     rose , frankincense .
  skin tone    peachy , pale.
  complexion    lightly freckled .
  height    152cm / 5'0" .
  physique    pear , curvy .
  dominance    right .

  notable features    chiari's collar bones are particuarly promeninent , leading into thin - sharp shoulders . though soft and round her arm's are particuarly petite . with her wrists being remarkably dainty . her nails are kept well manicured , typically in an almond shape - with a preference for colorful french tips .
  wardrobe    soft and cute , usually in pastels . has a tendency towards things with lace or pearls . vintage pieces are well-loved by her .
  piercings    one in her navel , a tongue ring , and both nipples . She wears plain jewelry in both her tongue and navel piercings , though her belly button ring’s jewelry does contain a purple crystal . While her nipple piercings bear shield styled rings , the outer piece resembles a snake eating its own tail- the OUROBOROS . All the metal is steel with a gunmetal finish . Both of her ears are also pierced , each lobe bearing two . The bottom set bearing crystal studs matching her navel jewelry . The top set , which are smaller , are simple pearl studs .
  faceclaim    noel niihashi , rize kamishiro .
  voiceclaim    lillia , coven evelynn .

iv . FRAGMENT FOUR ; library .

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❝ with a slip of the moonlight in her hair . . .

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