* Information !!

i . introduction !!
hi, i'm dollie! a writer, artist, and roleplayer. my main platform is tumblr, where i run several blogs. @buwunnie is my ooc/personal blog, where most of my chatter goes. the three roleplay blogs i currently run are @bngbby a multimedia multimuse, @dckueki a dual muse with rangiku matsumoto and gin ichmaru of bleach, and lastly @rikvgan a single muse blog for satoru gojo of jujutsu kaisen. i also roleplay in private servers on discord. -
ii . content warning !!
i am comfortable with writing darker topics and themes. on my blogs, in my writings, and in my character bios you may find subject matter that is uncomfortable. subject matter found within may contain ; explorations of mental illness, extrememe violence, themes of horror, themes of dissociation, cannibalism, murder, the death and killing of children , child abuse and neglect, the use and abuse of drugs, abusive relationships, sexual abuse and trauma, toxic relationships, disordered eating. while many of my characters contain dark themes in their biographies, i strive to maintain and respect the boundries of my writing partners. should certain topics need to be taken off the table in out threads do not be afraid to approach to let me know. -
iii . experience !!
i over fourteen years experience in roleplaying. i began privately with friends, mostly over email. my first true experience roleplaying was on forumotion boards, and later on proboards roleplay forums. in 2014 i made my first tumblr roleplay blog. since then tumblr has been my main platform for roleplaying and i've have MANY blogs over the years. i've recently adopted discord as a platform for private 1x1 roleplay servers. -
iv . threads !!
having spent much time on semi-lit and lit roleplay forms, i tend to prefer longer threads. hitting word counts of 300+. however i am also happy to work on shorter threads, especially for quick sessions. threads which reviece some sort of plotting are likely to be more prioritized. it does not need to be in-depth by any means, but i like to get an idea of how a pair of characters might get along or how they met. the ways in which our interpertations might affect interactions. on tumblr i typically format my posts. my style usually consists of small font, colored text, fancy quotes, and icons. other graphics suchs as banners or dividers may be included. (though if i am feeling lazy i might not use any graphics at all. it depends on my mood really.) i DO NOT require the same of my partners. my formatting is primarily to bring myself enjoyment first, and i don't expect anybody to do anything they don't like with their blogs. -
v . activity !!
currently i work a full-time job, which is very demanding of my time and energy. besides that i am chronically ill and often lack the energy needed for replies. i am a slow roleplayer at the best of times, and a ghost of one at the worst. however i am usually available for ooc communication and enjoy chatting with my partners. i'm often lurking on my tumblr dashboard, and usually have discord open. -
vi . portrayals !!
i write all my characters, even the canon characters, as if they were my own original creations. that is to say i treat them however i want, and develop their headcanons organically disregarding canon if they outgrow it. all of my muses should be considered heavily reliant on headcanon. i put a lot of work into each of my portrayals, and cerish my muses. -
vii . shipping !!
i love shipping! all kinds of ships, from platonic to romantic. i'm oc/canon, canon/canon, and oc/oc friendly. i also enjoy crossover ships and silly crack ships. most muses are multi-ship, with very few exceptions being off-limits or highly selective. muses which are minors will not be available to explicit shipping, but may develop crushes and go on dates. -
ix . smut !!
i'm usually open to discussing dirty headcanons and the like for my of age muses. some of the characters i write are also quite sexually active, flirty, or otherwise bold about themselves or appearance. in character discussions of sexual acts or flirting is welcome. however actually writing smut is something i reserve for close writing partners, and is something i judge on a case by case basis. boundries are really important, so discussions about limits prior to any explict material is a must.